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There's no download button i really wanna play this.


the demo isnt out yet!


This look promising and lured me in. Can't wait to get obsessed & yandere-ed by the hermit have the trip with the boyfriend ๐Ÿ™‚


I wan't conrad want to make him happy <3


Excited for the demo! Good luck with your progress!


can wait for the demo to be released!! AAAAAAAAA ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿฅบ


This looks pretty interesting


*cough cough*


five stars, I already know it's gonna be good >:)


AAAAA Campinggg <3 <3


HELLO???? I'M ALREADY IN LOVE WITH CONRAD. I'll be waiting patiently for the demo <3 


Definitely not getting a headache from sheer excitement for the release of this game.

(1 edit) (+5)

I can't wait! Letss goo sexy hermit